Month: November 2019

Liger Liger Burning Bright

I have a sequence in my upcoming novel where the protagonist, Clay Golem, an 8′ blue behemoth, fights two big cats in a cage underneath the second floor office of a local mob boss reached through a trapdoor in the floor of the office. I had an idea the cats were big—like Sabretooth Tiger big—but…
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I Wrote Another Thing

My task for the marketing Write To Publish class this week was to write something for someone special and then read it to them. I wrote this for Linda, who is my Pyrynne. The password for this story is the first word of the title, jeopardy. She sat on the edge of the desk and…
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Protected: Jeopardy, A Tale of the Blue Golem

There is no excerpt because this is a protected post.

So I Wrote A Thing…

I’m taking an online writing / marketing course called Write To Publish by Joe Bunting et al and one of the things I did this week was write a short story which I called THE ROBBERY – A TALE OF THE BLUE GOLEM. The story is a scene adapted from my Fantasy / Noir novel,…
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